The Noble Society of Celts, Inc.
Class 1 - Hereditary
Noble by Title:
Recognized titles of nobility from Brittany, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man and other lands whether hereditary or legally confirmed by the country of residence.
Noble by Tradition:
Those persons ennobled by a Grant of Arms of the Lord Lyon of Scotland, the Chief Herald of Ireland, the Royal College of Arms, and other recognized national agencies of good repute whether governmental or private, including recognized religious grants by the Church of England, Ireland or Scotland, the Catholic Church and similar entities of international recognition and respect.
Proven lineage from a former Celtic King, Prince or Lord. Full genealogical proof is required through the paternal or maternal bloodline. Admission to Class 1 under this guideline is at the sole discretion of the Chancellor.
Class 2 - Non hereditary
Persons of proven Celtic descent and of suitable stature and standing in their communities by virtue of profession or accomplishment.
Persons who have achieved membership within a recognized international chivalric or religious Order.
Persons holding membership in nationally or internationally recognized hereditary societies with proven Celtic descent.
Class 3 - Non Hereditary
Persons of Celtic descent in good standing in their communities.
Persons of non-Celtic descent who are in good standing in their communities, and who exhibit sincere interest in Celtic history and heritage.