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By-Laws and Governance
The Noble Society of Celts, Inc.












Article I: Purpose

The purpose of the society is to foster appreciation of the cultures of peoples of Celtic Heritage through education and participation. The scope of the society will include art, history, dance, music, literature and all other aspects of the Celtic cultural heritage and shall be open to all persons worldwide.


Article II: Membership

A. Active Membership shall be in three classes:

      Class 1, Hereditary: Composed of persons who hold hereditary Celtic titles, have been ennobled by Grant of Arms of the Lord Lyon, or can prove descent from any historically recognized royal Celtic dynasty.

   Class 2, Non-Hereditary: Persons of distinction in any field of the Celtic humanities, are a member of an internationally recognized Chivalric Order, are a member of a national or international Hereditary Society, or can prove descent from areas of recognized Celtic heritage.

      Class 3, Non-Hereditary: Any person exhibiting sincere interest in the goals and aims of the Society.

B. Removal from Membership.

     Any member may be removed from the Society for activities bringing discredit to the Society, failure to remain current in their obligations, or at the member’s request.

C. Honorary Membership. 

     Honorary Membership may be bestowed in any class to such persons who have exhibited great service to the Society or the Celtic Heritage. Such persons are nominated by the Executive Committee and approved by the Chieftain. All compulsory dues and fees are waived for Honorary Members, however voluntary contributions may be made.

D. Admission.

     1. Admission shall be accomplished by the candidate’s completion of the Society’s Application form, provision of any requested supporting proofs, and payment of published fees.

   2. Admission is dependant upon the approval of the Chancery of the Society which will have final authority to determine the class of membership.


Article III: Dues and Fees

Initial and annual dues and fees shall be set from time to time by the Chancery as needed to support the administration and charitable giving of the Society. Annual dues are payable on the first day of January of each year.


Article IV: Officers and Administration

A. Officers and Directors

1. Chieftain: The Chieftain (Chairman) shall be the heir of the founding Chieftain, The Much Honored Bailey McCune of Col-Earn and Elphinstone, Baron of Elphinstone. Should there be no heir, the Chieftain shall be selected by the Executive Committee and shall hold a recognized Celtic noble rank.

2. Chancellor: (President) shall be named by the Chieftain with the consent of the Executive Committee. The Chancellor shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the Society.

3. Vice Chancellor shall be named by the Chancellor with approval of the Chieftain and consent of the Executive Committee. The Vice Chancellor shall represent the Society as directed by the Chancellor, and assume the role of Chancellor upon the death or permanent disability of the Chancellor.

4. Exchequer (treasurer) shall be named by the Chancellor with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the Society and shall oversee all transactions, have access to all financial records, and be signatory to all banking accounts. The Treasurer shall name a Deputy Treasurer for financial reporting and banking.

5. Secretary. The Secretary of the Society shall be appointed by the Chancellor with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall have access to and maintain all correspondence of the Society.

6. The Chieftain, Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Secretary, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer shall constitute the Executive Committee.

B. Staff

1. A Custodian of Insignia shall be appointed by the Chancellor with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Custodian shall maintain the inventory of the Society’s insignia, and coordinate the sale of such insignia.

2. An Historian shall be appointed by the Chancellor with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Historian shall maintain all significant documents of the Society.

3. A Communications officer may be appointed to administer the distribution of information via the Society’s website.

C. Deputies

Deputies may be named to support or represent any of the officers in the performance of their duties and shall be named by the officer with approval of the Chancellor. Deputies shall be privy to but not vote in the affairs of the Board of Directors.

D. Term of office and Qualification

1. Terms of office. Officers shall serve at the pleasure of the Chieftain. Deputies serve at the pleasure of the Officer from whom deputized. Reappointments shall be effective January 1st of each year.

2. Qualification: All officers, staff and deputies shall be members in good standing for a minimum of five years or hold life membership. All members so qualified may be invited to serve as an officer or staff by the Chieftain upon his determination that new appointments are needed.

E. Administrative Offices: The corporate office (Chancery) shall be located at the convenience of the Chancellor. All other offices may be located in such places so to allow the efficient operation of the duties of the Office.


Article V: Dissolution

Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one, or more, exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state of local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.


Article VI: Indemnification of Officers and Directors

No member of the Executive Committee or Staff of the organization or committee members shall be personally liable for the acts of the organization, its Boards, Officers, or agents.


Article VII: Assets 

No Member, Director, Committee or Officer of the organization shall be entitled to receive a salary, or portion of the earnings or profits of the organization, with the exception of personal reimbursements for expenses incurred and approved by the Board. The assets may be invested if the Board feels it is in the organizations best interest and does not adversely affect the tax status of the same.


Article VIII: Amendments

The Executive Committee shall have the power to make, alter, amend and repeal the By-laws of the organization by affirmative vote of a majority of the Committee.


Approved and adopted this 13th day of July 2015.

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